Hunting in Africa

I went with my husband to Zambia, South Africa, on a hunting trip. We arrived at the village late and had to cross a river in darkness to get to the other side where the hunting camp was. The river was crocodile infested and we were going across in a dugout canoe -- which is a tree trunk. The insides are dug out and you sit in there and paddle across the river. I said to my husband, "You're getting your trophies, but now I'm gonna get mine and it's gonna have to be big
." After the trip, we met up with a gentleman who sells jewelry in South Africa and I did get my trophy: a three-carat diamond." 

       Janet Cristini, from Atlantic City, NJ, interviewed at the Flying Fisherman Café at 73rd Street and Columbus Avenue in New York City.


Do You Have a Jewelry Story?
Jaye Ann Terry


Jaye Ann Terry
Interviewer, Writer

Margo Hammond

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